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Big City Manufacturing

Big City Manufacturing | 23,000 SF | Friendswood, TX

1.23.24 - Final clean is complete. Landscaping is installed.

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31035EC2 0FEB 4E42 A95D AF30549D04F9 copy

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D3AA3738 4014 4D82 95B0 3C1DD4069A3A copy

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F490AF31 9C19 4F45 8F5D F92E54F27F3E copy

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12.14.23 - Parking area striping is complete,

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11.29.23 - Glass installation is complete and the ceilings are installed. Power should be turned on next with an expected completion set for next month,

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10.25.23 - Interior crews are hanging sheetrock. Concrete crewmen are getting ready to pour the equipment pad,

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7.25.23 - Crews poured the foundation this morning.

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7.20.23 - Crewmen are preparing for next week's pour,

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5.25.23 - Crews are breaking ground on Big City Manufacturing's new facility in Industry Park. This Design/Build project includes a fully air conditioned shop and 3,000 SF of finished office space,

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